Overview and Key Achievements
During the reporting period, the social marketing project distributed 8,125,056 male condoms – 7,494,336 socially marketed Number One condoms and 630,720 commercial brand Karol condoms. They were distributed to 4,206 hotels/guesthouses (H/G) and other non-traditional outlets (NTOs) accessible to key populations in nine PEPFAR priority provinces. The project’s FY13 condom sales result represents 90% of the annual target. Number One condom sales in FY13 were impacted by i) a stock out of Number One condoms in October-November 2012 due to delayed arrival of additional commodities; ii) significant pricing discounts and related promotions offered by the VIP+ condom social marketing project supported by DFID/WB; iii) Number One price increase implemented in May 2013. Karol sales were lower than expected in FY13 due to this brand’s relatively high price, and low awareness among H/G operators given that prior to March 2012 Karol was only sold through pharmaceutical outlets. The project’s targeted condom social marketing results achieved in FY13 contributed to further progress toward several key total market approach (TMA) indicators between 2010 and 2013 including i) increasing the percentage of H/G stocking any commercial condom brand from 14% to 25% and ii) reducing the percentage of H/G stocking Protector Plus fully-subsidized condoms from 5.5% to 2%. (2013 Outlet Survey)
The SM project achieved these remarkable results due to an experienced, NTO-focused, fieldbased sales team motivating hotels and guesthouses – where an estimated 90% of reported commercial sex takes place – to stock, visibly display, sell and promote multiple condom brands, including Karol commercial condoms. In addition to targeted sales and distribution efforts, trade and consumer marketing campaigns were used to motivate safer behaviors. The condom holding room key chain was improved in FY13 based on feedback from H/G operators and clients, to motivate routine condom provision to every customer. In addition, the SM Project collaborated with other partners to support the extension of 100% Condom Use Program activities in Nghe An and Lao Cai provinces in FY13.