TwoDay Method® Market Research: Report on IRH Experience, Evidence, and Recommendations; and Interviews with Stakeholders, Donors, and Possible Future Collaborators



The TwoDay Method® (TDM) is an effective, fertility awareness method of family planning developed and tested by the Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University (IRH). This simple method, based on a woman’s naturally occurring signs of fertility, involves a woman checking her cervical secretions on a daily basis to identify the fertile days of her menstrual cycle. To avoid pregnancy with this method, the woman and her partner use a barrier method or abstain if she notices any secretions today OR noticed any secretions yesterday.

Following a research-to-practice model, IRH first established the theoretical basis for the TDM, then tested it in a multi-country clinical trial, and conducted small introduction studies to further test the method in service delivery settings. Results indicate that the TDM is 96% effective with correct use and about 86% in typical use. Clients describe the method as easy-to-use and providers report it is easy to teach others to use. Study results are further described in peer- reviewed journals and international guidance documents. Tested program and training materials as well as prototype tools for clients, providers and outreach are also available.

To further develop and test the TDM, and respond to programmatic needs for a non-commodity method of family planning, IRH conducted a market research project to:

Part 1— Review IRH experience with TDM through staff interviews, synthesize TDM evidence as reported in scientific articles and reports, identify any gaps in TDM resources, and summarize findings and recommendations for future TDM activities

Part 2— Analyze the potential for increasing awareness, availability and access to the TDM, identify opportunities and challenges for integrating the TDM into programs, and synthesize opinion research (phone surveys) with stakeholders, funders and potential collaborators regarding the feasibility and viability of integrating the TDM

The findings are summarized in this two-part report as well as in supporting documents developed in conjunction with this report to highlight details regarding key next steps.