Towards the Standardization of Total Market Approach Indicators for Male Condoms

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Background: A Total Market Approach (TMA) can help ensure equity, sustainability, and growth of the male condom market. However, evidence-based TMA is often not feasible because the required market data for condoms are lacking. Hence, there is a need for standardized TMA indicators and for specific guidelines about the data collected by condom distribution programs as well as by major national survey programs.

Methods: This paper reviews the TMA literature to identify indicators for inclusion in a set of standardized indicators. Priority was given to indicators that could be measured with existing standardized tools such as the Demographic and Health Survey and Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey.

Results: Indicators were classified into four categories: market size, market accessibility, market sustainability, and equity. Proposed indicators for market size included universe of need, market volume, and product use. Indicators of market accessibility included knowledge of a condom source, access to condoms as a barrier to use, and product stockouts. Sustainability indicators included market value, brands available on the market, brands entering the market, market share, market subsidy, and supply sources. Equity indicators included condom use and price as a barrier to use by wealth quintile.

Conclusions: TMA analysis requires consistent, high-quality data collected at regular intervals. Standardization of TMA indicators will help stakeholders understand which data to collect for a market assessment and how to report each indicator to ensure comparability of data. All stakeholders must commit to information sharing in order to guarantee high quality, reliable, and consistent data for TMA analysis.