To pursue its mission to “Promote sustainable behavior change to help the Haitian people to lead a healthy lifestyle using social marketing strategies in a spirit of partnership”, in January 2013 OHMaSS launched a pilot project which created a network of private sector franchise clinics, expanding the access of Haitian women to the full range of contraceptive choices, including long term methods previously unavailable. CONFIANCE PLUS is the name of the intrauterine device (IUD) that OHMaSS added to the range of its other socially marketed family planning products available through projects supported by USAID (PROMARK and RMNCH) and Pancap/KfW. In addition to this new product, quality control within the franchise clinics network and affordable pricing are two other key components of the project. Furthermore, the work of behavior change communication as well as referrals have continued through the support groups that regularly meet with women and their partners to bring them correct information about the range of family planning methods, including advantages and secondary effects.