SanMark Study to Assess Demand and Supply Chain Barriers among Rural Communities in Three Provinces in Central Vietnam

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About the SanMark Study

Plan Vietnam is implementing the CS WASH Pro project from August 2013 to October 2017 with funding from Australian Aid. This project has been supporting changes in sanitation & hygiene behavior and increasing the use of improved sanitation facilities at the household level and in schools in five rural districts in Quang Binh, Quang Tri and Kon Tum provinces. In order to enhance the attainment, and sustainability, of improved sanitation status in Plan’s supported communes and villages, there is a need to strengthen the project’s market based approaches and capacity-building/business development efforts that aim to increase the availability of affordable and desirable sanitation products for low-income rural households. This study will explore the Sanitation Demand and Supply Chain in Quang Binh, Quang Tri and Kon Tum provinces for a better understanding of the sanitation market—both demand and supply sides—in the CS WASH project’s three provinces. This supports the application and scaling up of a sustainable model of sanitation marketing in project target districts.


Data collection took place in August and September of 2015. PSI’s Research Team led data collection, with support from Plan Vietnam. Qualitative data collection techniques, including in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, were used to collect data for the survey in the three study provinces. Participants were chosen based on criteria regarding type of latrine facilities used and based on their role in the sanitation supply chain. A total of 58 in-depth interviews were conducted with rural households, market players and financers. A total of 10 focus group discussions were conducted with household heads and other influential individuals.