The Market-based Partnerships for Health (MBPH) project is USAID India’s flagship project to test commercially viable models, engage the private sector, and use private sector strategies, for delivering public health services to Base of the Pyramid populations. The MBPH team currently manages eight different programs that can be cast under the three active components as given below:
[See report for list of project components.]
Some of these are programs carried on from the earlier PSP-One project and some of these are new. At the end of Year 2 these programs were at various stages on the MBPH program development framework. While some were at early stages of development where pilot programs are being designed and partnerships are in the process of being formalized, others were in an operational phase where implementation was in progress and large procurements to support them were being completed, and some of the more mature programs are starting to test assumptions about viability and commercial sustainability. In Year 3 there has been significant movement and all the programs have entered the implementation phase, and some are at a point of scale up.