Review of key findings from ACTwatch Household & Outlet Surveys
- Despite free or highly subsidised provision, limited access and availability of ACTs in public sector has resulted in poor coverage
- 3% -21% of febrile children in Africa receive ACT (2011 ACTwatch HH)
- Many seek treatment from private sector retailers
- More than 50% for care for febrile children in 6 countries –> but only 22% in Zambia (2011 ACTwatch HH)
- Retail prices for ACT are 5-23 times higher than those of older, less effective antimalarials ( g Q, ) e. g. CQ, SP ) ( ) 2011 ACTwatch OS)
- Retail level availability of ACT ranged from 6%-53% (except Cambodia), but availability of older, less effective antimalarials was ~100%
- Most retail customers purchase older, less effective therapies
- Use of oral artemisinin monotherapies also common –> resistance