HIV Preventives Technology and Market Landscape – 1st Edition, 2013

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This landscape report is part of an ongoing initiative within UNITAID to describe and monitor the landscape for HIV commodities. It provides a broad overview of key HIV prevention tools, describing market dynamics around such prevention technologies and the primary factors that affect commodity access in HIV-endemic countries. Specifically, the report describes and analyses the market and technology landscapes for (i) male circumcision devices, (ii) barrier methods, (iii) microbicides, (iv) antiretroviral-based methods and (v) commodities needed for harm reduction. The report also explores market-based interventions that could alleviate current market shortcomings to improve access, focusing on key emerging products and product areas that are rapidly evolving. It should be noted that this report focuses exclusively on commodities for HIV prevention and not the behavioural and structural issues that must also be considered when developing comprehensive approaches to HIV prevention.

Information in this report was collected through a variety of methods, including desk research, literature reviews and expert interviews. An earlier version of this report was reviewed by experts from across the field of HIV prevention whose comments were taken into account in preparing this final version. The material presented in this report is current through 31 July 2013.

UNITAID is grateful to the following individuals in particular who made valuable contributions to the development of this report: Nancy Guo, Catherine Hankins, Kelsey Martin, James McIntyre, Jason Reed, Julia Samuelson, and Mitchell Warren.