Related Tools:
Tool #1: Comprehensive Indicators
Tool #2: Key Informant Interview (KII) Guide
Tool #3: Condom Market Landscape Guidance
Tool #4: Value Chain Analysis
Tool #5: Data Analysis and Charts
Tool #6: UNAIDS Condom Needs Assessment Tool
Market landscaping, or market analysis, is a fundamental element of a Market Development Approach (MDA), which aims to identify market weaknesses, constraints, or under performance that inhibit access and use of health products and services by the poor and most vulnerable. Once market weaknesses are identified, root causes are analyzed to inform the design of targeted interventions to mitigate those failings.
Market Landscaping includes analysis of core supply and demand functions that support the value chain, including the performance and role of the public sector, social marketers, and commercial actors in ensuring access to quality products by end users. Market landscaping activities also analyze other market elements including supporting functions, such as market stewardship (which include leadership and coordination of TMA efforts), quality assurance, processes supporting quantification of subsidized condoms, and others. Market functions supporting finance and the appropriate use of subsidy are included in the analysis, as is the environment including rules and regulations governing how condoms are imported, registered, and taxed.
The tools described in this document support the ‘diagnosis’ of market constraints or weaknesses through a holistic analysis of market functions.
A rich body of work including tools, methodologies and guidance exists to support the analysis of a health market. No single approach, however, comprehensively analyzes all of the key functions supporting a healthy market, and none of the existing tools were targeted specifically at condom markets. For example, Abt Associates has produced guidance supporting the assessment of country specific market stewardship functions, while Population Services International (PSI) built out an approach to analyze the core supply-demand value chain, which they refer to as the production to use spectrum, and functions that directly support that core value chain.
The tools described in this document reflect a curated approach that pulls together relevant elements of existing work to holistically analyze key functions supporting a condom market. The toolkit focuses on the unique aspects of a condom market, which includes the public, social marketing, and commercial sectors, and actors playing a supporting or indirect role in the delivery of health products and services. This guidance is not meant to be a stand-alone document. It is expected that users will bring knowledge of MDA in general, and the specific approaches referenced in this tool kit. The source tools used to inform this work are are included as an appendix.