Condom Market Landscaping Tool #2: Key Informant Interview (KII) Guide

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  • Systematically collect data during country specific market analysis
  • Supports understanding of condom programming, focusing on the Stewardship & Market Development Pillars

How to use:

  • The KII has been structured to capture information in a systematic way in support of the Condom Program Pathway. While long, its unlikely all questions will be used for each interview – and it’s not necessary to ask every question.
  • In actual application, it’s a good idea to speak with well-informed stakeholders early in the assessment, such as with the condom focal point at the MoH, or a condom social marketing manager. After the first few interviews, gaps in the market and analysis can be filled in through identifying select questions during follow up interviews.
  • Prepare for interviews – reviewing the comprehensive indicators ands questions supporting the KII to pin point the type of questions to ask respondents. Not every respondent will know every answer.
  • The KII specifically draws on tools from Path, Abt Associates, and UNFPA.

See Guidance Document for more details.