Botswana: A Total Market Approach for Male Condoms

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The prevalence of HIV in Botswana is among the highest in the world, with nearly one-fifth of the population infected. Although large-scale HIV prevention efforts have resulted in a decrease in new infections over the past two decades, consistent condom use remains critical for preventing new infections. Male condoms are a vital part of Botswana’s National Strategic Framework for HIV prevention, and because condoms offer dual protection against HIV and unplanned pregnancy, they also play an important role in family planning.

In Botswana, the number of condoms needed to protect all sexual acts from HIV infection and unplanned pregnancy (universe of need) is higher than the actual number of condoms on the market (volume). However, public health efforts to improve access to condoms have succeeded in growing the condom market and condom use among both males and females, including those with higher risk behavior. Inequity remains an issue and there is evidence to suggest that condom use is concentrated among wealthier segments of the population.