ACTwatch Private-sector Case Management Study: Cambodia 2015

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Fever case management quality of care in the private sector was monitored using a set of research tools designed to measure aspects of the interaction between providers and clients. As part of the 2015 outlet survey, ACTwatch integrated research tools into the Cambodian outlet survey, and the study was implemented among private-sector outlets providing malaria testing and treatment. Key findings from the 2015 outlet survey include:

  • Among private for-profit health facilities and pharmacies stocking antimalarials, over 90% were stocking ACTs.
  • Among drug stores and itinerant drug vendors stocking antimalarials, over 75% were stocking ACTs.
  • Among private for-profit health facilities, pharmacies, drug stores, and itinerant drug vendors stocking antimalarials, over 60% had malaria blood testing available.

The availability of ACT and malaria blood testing is moderately high in these private-sector outlet types. The case management study was designed to measure how providers use these malaria commodities when managing suspected and confirmed cases. The study also documented key aspects of the interactions between private-sector providers and patients seeking treatment for illness with symptoms of malaria, including fever, and/or risk factors, including recent forest travel. These included two case management outcomes:

  1. Confirmatory malaria blood testing
  2. Appropriate treatment according to test result

This research complements available evidence currently used to track progress in malaria case management. The ACTwatch outlet surveys track trends in rapid diagnostic test and antimalarial availability, price, and market share. The case management research component documents the extent to which recent and current efforts to improve availability of key malaria commodities are sufficient for facilitating appropriate management of suspected malaria cases. This research will provide information to inform interventions designed to close gaps between availability of quality-assured malaria diagnostics and medicines and their routine use in managing clients.