2021 Contraceptive Security Indicators Survey

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Contraceptive Security exists when every person can choose, obtain, and use quality contraceptives whenever he or she needs them for family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH). Governments are recognizing the importance and value of contraceptive security (CS) and are regularly monitoring its progress.

This 2021 Contraceptive Security Indicators Report updates the 2019 report, building on the CS Indicators first developed in 2009 and presented in the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT paper, Measuring Contraceptive Security in 36 Countries. Starting in 2010, CS Indicators have been collected, measured, and reported annually, and then biennially starting in 2017. The USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project, a follow-on to USAID | DELIVER and USAID’s Supply Chain Management System project, has now assumed the role of collecting data and disseminating this survey—now in its ninth round—to benefit the global health community. This report presents data from 45 countries, including updated indicators in the Leadership and Coordination, Policy, and Supply Chain sections, as well as a new section on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on contraceptive security. Changes to previous questions and the addition of new questions increase the methodological rigor and relevance of the survey. A data collection and usage manual helps guide responses. To help data users better interpret results within a larger country context, newly collected data for select measures from the former Contraceptive Security Index can be found in Annex C of this document. The survey enables program managers, advocates and decision makers in countries as well as in the global health community to monitor progress toward contraceptive security, inform program planning, and advocate for improved policies and resources. The report presents findings on leadership and coordination, finance and procurement, policy, supply chain, quality, the private sector, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on contraceptive security.